Case Study: Vaccination Call Center Schedulers


State Government


This was an effort to rapidly expand the bandwidth for State(s) Government unemployment insurance staff. This encompassed a total headcount of nearly 100 individuals for a new remote help desk to capture the call volume seen during 2020-2021.


A number of state’s public departments were unable to handle the large influx of callers attempting to schedule Covid-19 vaccination appointments mid-pandemic. The volume of calls necessitated an immediate increase of staff headcount well beyond the capabilities of local public department recruiting efforts.

Rapid Ramp Up

GTN was requested to provide as many resources as possible for the various state’s departments to capture the increased volume.

GTN was given a 5-day rampup period to start resources in training which was met with 100% attendance and a 5% attrition rate over a 90-day period after the first day of resource training for the 86 total individuals identified.


Given a limited timeline for rapid and aggressive expansion, GTN was able to meet and exceed expectations for client project goals.

Using a combination of an agile recruiting team and an emphasis on over-identifying resources to establish a pool of backups to ensure rapid replacement for any and all attrition seen to guarantee no lapse of coverage.

This project was the catalyst to becoming the Client’s preferred partner in the United States.